Main Logo for Tiani's cafe - stacked version

Tiani's cafe cup of coffee - with a branded cup and sleeve

Marketing materials for Tiani's cafe

More marketing materials using the horizontal version of the logo

Horizontal version of Tiani's cafe logo - reverse colours

Favicon or Logomark

social media post

used in branding/packaging

Tiani's Cafe branded coffee bean bags

social media post

more coffee cups from Tiani's cafe

Tiani's cafe signage

Reverse colours logo - stacked

Horizontal version of main logo

social media marketing/branding image
Passion Project - Tiani's cafe
This is a project where I wanted to create not only the logo for Tiani's cafe coffee shop but also the atmosphere and feeling around going to the cafe to contribute to the branding and the brand recognition of the shop. I brought in pictures of people laughing and enjoying themselves in conversation, an old brick wall near the cafe signage to add to that hometown feel. The "s" at the end of Tiani's I turned into the handle of the mug where the name of the company is fitting in all nice and snug. Again, I wanted the atmosphere of the cafe to be that of a place you could go to in order to unwind, grab a cup of joe, let it warm your hands, and snuggle into a serene space with good friends and good memories. Was able to bring in some elements of the letters and the mug shape to aid with the packaging of the coffee bean bags and the paper cups themselves. The mock ups and photography added, really brought the brand to life.